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Dear readers,

before closing shop over the month of August, we ENTITLE blog editors want to look back on this past year and announce some exciting changes in store for the blog later this year.

ENTITLE blog published more than 30 posts and had ca. 26,500 unique visitors in 2018. Our top five posts since summer 2017 include:

Our top five posts of all time include:

This autumn, we are excited to start a new collaboration with the Well-being, Ecology, Gender and Community Innovative Training Network (WEGO-ITN, @WEGO_ITN). Coordinated by the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam, in collaboration with 18 institutions in ten countries, WEGO seeks to train the next generation of interdisciplinary feminist political ecologists.

Upon discussions between ENTITLE blog editors and WEGO-ITN members that started at the second biennial conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN, @PolEcoNet), we are excited to join forces to revamp our website and to participate in training of a new generation of political ecologists in the use of popular media.

The revamp of the blog will build on ENTITLE blog’s four years of on-going engagement and commitment to political ecology conversations, while allowing openings for other collaborations, partnerships, emergent commons and undisciplined environments.

We look forward to carrying forward our commitment to critical and engaged scholarship with partners like WEGO-ITN this autumn.

WEGO_LOGO_Square_2000px_cut_1.jpgFinally, we leave you with little summer treat – a set of our favourite posts on the #Anthropocene featured on ENTITLE blog.

If you have any posts, collaboration ideas or want to support this blog project, contact us. Watch this space and @ENTITLE_blog for more news after the summer.
Towards undisciplined environments,
Your ENTITLE blog Editors
