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By War on Want, Tipping Point UK and JunteGente

Post-Extractive Futures, a workshop series taking place between February 1-3 (11am NY/Bogota, 4pm London/Dakar), is a space of mutual learning about the world we can build guided by the questions: What can we do together that we can’t do alone?  How do we support each other in building the ecological and reparative worlds we need? 

We are very excited to welcome you all to Post-Extractive Futures, a 3-day workshop series, taking place between February 1-3.

Post-Extractivist Futures is a space for mutual learning and solidarity-weaving amongst activists dreaming, enacting and mobilising toward postcapitalist, ecological, feminist, afro-diasporic, intergenerational, indigenous and decolonial futures.

These rich futures do not fit under a single banner, but are associated with key ideas such as climate justice, just transitions, Green New Deals, Eco-Social Pacts, abolition, and degrowth. The goal of these conversations is to share experiences, lessons learned, cautions, recommendations, provocations and inspirations. We also aim to build connections between movements in different regions, to enact solidarity and strengthen alliances across borders.

You can register here to join the skillshare sessions. 

Day 1 will focus on Visions , and will be guided by Wangũi wa Kamonji, Kolectiv Z (North Macedonia), Co-operative and Policy Alternative Centre (South Africa), and Mujeres Transformando Mundos (Mexico).

Day 2 will focus on Freedom Stories in the Caribbean, and will be guided by El Puente (Puerto Rico), Censat Agua Viva (Colombia), and Leve Kanpe Avèk Ayiti (Haiti).

Day 3 will focus on Healing Alliances, and will be guided by Futuros Indigenas, Third World Network, and Tese Onze.

All sessions will take place at 11am New York/Bogota time | 4pm Dakar/London time. The sessions will largely be held in English, with interpretation available in Spanish and Portuguese.

This iteration of Post-Extractive Futures will be guided by movements from the Americas, Africa and Europe. Future iterations will focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

We greatly appreciate it if you can spread the word about the workshop series.

Hope to see you there!

Register here to join the skillshare sessions. 

War on Want works in the United Kingdom and with partners around the world to fight poverty and defend human rights, as part of the movement for global justice. They are coordinators of the Global Green New Deal campaign.

Tipping Point UK is helping to build a grassroots movement with enough people power to win climate justice in the UK and beyond.

JunteGente is a space of encounters for organizations in resistance against neoliberal capitalism and fighting for a just, solidary and ecological future in Puerto Rico. 


  • Undisciplined Environments

    We are a collective of scholars and activists oriented towards a common horizon of emancipatory social and ecological transformation. With this platform, we aim to animate a space to share, debate and critically reflect on research and activist experiences, observations, methodologies, news, events, publications, art, music and other themes and objects related to political ecology.

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